Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Rundll32 Exe Application Not Found Error Fix

Rundll32.exe is an integral part of the Windows system, which is responsible for a huge amount of important tasks inside your PC. Unfortunately, it's also one of the biggest causes of problems for your computer, including the infamous "Rundll32.exe application not found" error. So how to determine whether our system is infected and which Rundll32.exe is real safe for our system, we should pay enough attention and search for the proper method to solve this problem.


What is Rundll32.exe?

Rundll32.exe is a very essential executable file in Windows systems. It is usually saved in folder C:/Windows/system32/Rundll32.exe. It is used to launch the functions of Windows dll files. Without it, you will not be able to run certain applications.

Read more about: System32 dll Error, Lsass Exe System Error Fix.

It doesn't matter whether you are not very clear about what Rundll32.exe is. But remember that it plays an important role in maintaining the stability of our computers and the integrity of the system. When some software or hardware could not respond normally to your system operation, comes the Rundll32.exe error, which may be caused by corrupted files or missing data in registry. Usually, error message will shows up at booting or the beginning of running a program.

Solutions for fixing Rundll32.exe application not found error

Method One: Rundll32.exe is a Windows executable file which can be disabled by many viruses. However, there is a virus named "Happy Times" which has the same name and size as Rundll32.exe and it keeps reproducing itself under the root directory of each folder you open. If a large number of this file appears in your computer, then your computer is undoubtedly infected, and usually most antivirus software can not solve this problem. The general solution is, manually bulk deleting all the files with the name Rundll32.exe, and then retrieve from the Windows source program the useful file Rundll32.exe. The way to retrieve it is, taking Windows XP as an example, typing "cmd" in the Run box and pressing Enter; typing:
  • expand CD-ROM i386Rundll32.ex_%Systemroot%Rundll32.exe
  • CD-ROM is the location of the operating system source code, not necessarily the drive.

Method Two: It is quite imperative to learn to fix Rundll32.exe not found error with registry cleaner, as it could help in terms of ensuring superior uptime and lower downtime of machines. There are some people who get impatient when the error message appears, especially when they are planning to start some important task on the computer. These people may try to fix the problem manually, which is certainly not a good idea as it may lead to further problems and complications in the error. The best solution is to scan the computer using a registry cleaner. The registry cleaner is able to scan the registry, fix deleted and impaired files and thus remove the instance of the error message flashing ominously.

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