Aetpkss1.dll file is responsible to save essential information of aetpkss1.dll process. Where does it locate in our computer system? Normally, in different versions of Windows, aetpkss1.dll file can be found in some different locations.
.For Windows Xp/ 7/ 8, aetpkss1.dll file is located in C:\\Windows\system32 folder
.For Windows 95/98/Me, aetpkss1.dll file is located in C:\\Windows\system foleder
.For Windows NT/2000, aetpkss1.dll file is located in computer directory C:\\WINNT\system32
What is aetpkss1.dll error?
Generally speaking, aetpkss1.dll error can be served as an essential dll error in Windows computer. When you experience aetpkss1.dll error, you are supposed to be frustrated at once. This is just because that you may not be able to go back for work. And you are not sure if the error will lead to some awful problems. Typically, you are possible to encounter a range of aetpkss1.dll error messages similar to these:
“aetpkss1.dll – Application Error”
“Windows aetpkss1.dll Driver Errors”
“Windows aetpkss1.dll Startup Errors”
“Windows aetpkss1.dll Runtime Errors”
“aetpkss1.dll Windows Installer Errors”
Any time aetpkss1.dll error messages appear on your pc screen, you will find that there are a series of bad effects occur in your computer instantly or a few minutes late.
1.Pc performance slow down sharply
2.Windows registry become damaged
3.Receive different types of error messages
4. A certain progarm used aetpkss1.dll file can not perform normally
5.Windows pc takes quite a long time to start up or close down
6.Get other pc errors which include runtime error and exe error
7.PC become blue screen of death errors or even collapse without any sign
How to fix aetpkss1.dll error manually and effectively?
When you get an error message for the first time, you may consider to fix it on your own. To fix this error by yourself, here are some good tips recommended to you as below:
First, restart pc right away to see if aetpkss1.dll error still exist on your pc? Sometimes, the error may desappear by itself after restarting the computer.
Second, open Windows Task Manager by click “ Ctl+Alt+Delete” or “Ctrl+Shift+Esc” from your keyboard, then go to disable aetpkss1.dll process.
Third, if aetpkss1.dll process is damaged, you should consider to raplace an intact of aetpkss1.dll file and reboot pc as soon as possible. In order to find out where does aetpkss1.dll located in your computer, just take steps as below:
Step 1. Click the left bottom of the “Start” menu, click “Run”.
Step 2. In the poping up box, type in“cmd”, click “OK” to open your Windows registry editor.
Step 3. Click the “Ctrl” on your keyboard. In the “Find” box, type in “aetpkss1.dll” that you want to find.
Fourth, to stop aetpkss1.dll virus running in the background of pc, you can take this steps:
Step 1. Go to the “Start” menu, open” Run” process.
Step 2. In the poping up box, type in “msconfig”, the click “OK”
Step 3. Press “Startup” tab in the box of “System Configuration”, then you will see the viruses that damaged aetpkss1.dll process in the box.
Step 4. Uncheck them, click” OK”
In most circumstances, an invalid registry entry is a main reason for different kinds of errors. Generally speaking, registry is used as a storage of pc system. As it saves most of pc settings and options, and full of pc files. It is necessary and important to scan , detect and clear up pc registry database regularly. A trusted registry cleaning tool can help pc uers diagnose and repair corrupt files, and then fix omastart.ex errors and its’ related errors completely.
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